Felicity Groom – “Hungry Sky”

Following up from her debut full length Gossamer, Perth’s Felicity Groom has returned with Hungry Sky.
Predominantly an ambient journey, electronica is fused with standard instrumentation in providing an apt soundscape for Groom’s soulful operatic vocals.
Right from the outset it is difficult to ignore a hint of nineties Bristol influences. The deep dark bass rumble that introduces ‘Raise The Roof‘ is a clear nod towards Mezzanine era Massive Attack, a vibe that seeps into first single ‘Higher, Higher, Taller, Taller‘.
Further on the melancholy title track ‘Hungry Sky‘ is a little reminiscent of Portishead circa Dummy.
Following the opening batch of songs this influence does seem to dissipate somewhat as the record begins to expand into a broader array of flavours. ‘Oh Jesus‘ (“oh Jesus can you help me?, its not a big ask really”) is an open plea for divine assistance accompanied by a plump throbbing bassline, making it one of the album’s more up tempo moments.
A degree of maudlin sentiment follows with the soulful lament of ‘Houses Are Gone‘, as we move into the back end of the record. ‘Constant Sun‘ comprises of an interesting fusion of horns over a military beat and sits nicely alongside standout track ‘Move Your Muscles‘. “Got a lot of time to say nothing at all” croons Groom over tribal percussion that sets this track out from the rest.
‘Hungry Sky‘ is an album of subtle variety that requires several listens to let the textures soak in. Being generally downbeat with only sporadically perky moments it would be an apt accompanying soundtrack for candlelit evenings or rainy days.
- The Beards @ The Metro, 2nd July ’16 - July 8, 2016
- Parkway Drive @ Wollongong Uni, 25th June ’16 - July 1, 2016
- Basement @ The Factory, 27th May ’16 - June 3, 2016