Lowell – “We Loved Her Dearly”

It is rare that a record comes along that gives you both goosebumps and an irresistible urge to boogie.
Calgary born Toronto based solo artist Lowell has managed to achieve this unique achievement on her stunning new album ‘We Loved Her Dearly‘
It is amazing how Canadian artists, moreso than others, seem to be able evoke scenic imagery from their music. Before hearing any vocals on ambient opener ‘Words Were The Wars‘ we are already rugging up and looking over snowcapped peaks.”I know its cold out there” Lowell confirms as we are charmed for the first of many times.
What follows is a record that seems to fall into two effective but seemingly opposite categories. There is the breathtaking beauty of the aforementioned opening track and the operatic ‘Summertime‘
Similar spinetingling moments occur through the duration of “I Killed Sara V‘, a truly haunting journey building up over atmospheric piano and showcasing Lowells inciteful poetry.
The warped loop that holds ‘The Sun‘ together over the repetitive vocal “let me be the preacher” ensures the track is one of the album’s darkest moments, although closer ‘Time I Lower Down‘ gives it some stiff competition.
Intriguingly interspersed between these beautiful soundscapes there appears to be some kind of 80s dance party going on. ‘Cloud 69‘ and ‘The Bells‘ incorporate infectious chants that no doubt are influenced by that polarising era.
“I let you know I can be unfaithful but I like to tell you when I’m gunna stray” is the cheeky lyrical gem that leaps out from ‘88‘.
Similar fun can be found as we gyrate and sing to the shameless confession of ‘I Love You Money‘. After all, who doesn’t?
Listening to ‘We Loved Her Dearly‘ is most certainty an odd privilege. Whether in deep rumination or hamming it up as 80’s party girl, Lowell has indisputable intellect behind her songwriting. Having a distinct and exquisite voice certainly helps as well. What is most impressive is that she has gone ahead and made precisely the record she wanted. To fuse two contrasting styles carried with it an element of risk but Lowell did what was instinctual and as a result has created something truly special.
- The Beards @ The Metro, 2nd July ’16 - July 8, 2016
- Parkway Drive @ Wollongong Uni, 25th June ’16 - July 1, 2016
- Basement @ The Factory, 27th May ’16 - June 3, 2016