Darlia – “Petals”

Via Petals, British trio Darlia have delved into their nineties influences and churned out a snappy eight track mini album.
With the majority of tracks clocking in at the very digestable three minute mark, the band has utilised the less is more philosophy to great effect. The release is essentially a collection of their singles, an energetic batch of fuzzy rock songs, complimented nicely at the end by a couple of stripped back acoustic numbers.
Hints of Smashing Pumpkins circa Gish can be identified in opener ‘Stars Are Aligned‘, a punchy track that immediately highlights Darlia‘s devotion to a massive chorus.
This continues throughout with single ‘I’ve Never Been To Ohio‘ and ‘Dear Diary‘ (“I can be your pretty dear diary, you can tell me all your secrets”) only requiring a solitary listen to become lodged in your head.
The quiet/loud/quiet dynamic that engulfed the early nineties is another reoccurring trait that is at it’s most evident in ‘Candyman‘ and ‘Queen Of Hearts‘, the latter incorporating an unexpected hint of ska throughout the verses. In between the epic scope of each song’s chorus, frontman Nathan Day is a busy man squeezing out numerous lyrics in a half spoken/half sung delivery that sometimes contains a smidgeon of hip hop.
The addition of acoustic versions of ‘Pandemonium‘ and ‘Candyman‘ are a clever touch, showing the band isn’t all about power and volume. It also reveals they could well be as much at home performing in an intimate setting as they are in bigger rooms.
Darlia are a band that manages to conjur up a substantial racket for a three piece. Their sound is certainly inspired by the grunge of yesteryear whilst also coming with a coat of commercial gloss that could float them into the mainstream. The idea of releasing a collection of their catchiest moments and condensing the whole thing down to around twenty five minutes is a smart one. Too often bands are tempted into throwing in a bit of filler but Darlia have kept it concise and flowing and as a result will leave their fans eagerly awaiting more.
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