Violent Femmes Add Sydney Show

Friends of the Violent Femmes rejoice! The honourary Australian trio have announced an initmate one-off Sydney show: Monday March 20th at The Factory in Marrickville with special guests Rayella.
Tickets are on-sale here 9.00am Friday 16th December.
“Friday night saw the return of the Violent Femmes to Australia. And what a triumphant return it was. The absolute capacity crowd in front of Stage 2 were in constant motion – ranging from flat out head banging to substance fuelled ethereal swaying as the ‘Femmes powered through all their hits, including “Gone Daddy Gone”, “American Music”, “Kiss Off” and to close the show, “Add It Up”. – The Music: Womadelaide review
Its the Violent Femmes as you know and love them … Don’t miss the exclusive Sydney appearance Monday March 20th. Tickets on-sale 9.00am Friday 16th December. Check in at Feel Presents for full details.