Razor Blade Fest 2016

Razor Blade Fest 2016 features the best NSW has to offer from the Ska and Punk genres and all on the one day!
After a year off Razor Blade Fest comes back swinging with both arms and at one of Sydney’s most iconic venues The Bald Faced Stag.
If you think 2014 was big, well this year RBF16 will be even bigger, better and stupidly louder.
So welcome to the 4th Installment of Razor Blade Fest and we hope you all enjoy the kick-ass bands on this years event.
This years roll call is headlined by Fireballs and features Temtris, Speedball, Batfoot, Nudist Colonies Of The World & Authority Downfall
FIREBALLS 11:10-12:00am
Formed in 1989 in Melbourne, these superstars have been melting faces at various festivals around the world and have supprted the likes of KISS, Ministry, Mad Sin, TISM and a whole host of big names it’ll make your head explode.
Temtris 10:10-10:50pm
The saying “what goes up must come down” is a complete lie when it comes to these guys (and girl) as it’s head on collisions from start to finish…we’re guessing at least 3 circle pits within the first song to break out.
SPEEDBALL 9:20-9:50pm
Sydney west punkers who fuse Punk and Metal together so effortlessly you will be swept up in a mosh pit in next to seconds and will leave you craving for more.
Batfoot! 8:30-9:00pm
Ramones meets Screaching Weasel on full throttle, these guys give 100% ,100% of the time and nothing less…you’ve been warned.
NCOTW 7:50-8:10pm
these guys have all the trimmings that makes punk rockers; loud songs, catchy lyrics (with catchier riffs), instruments that work (most of the time) and cheap c.ds.
Authority Downfall 7:10-7:30pm
A perfect way to start this event is with these South-West of Sydney Metal heads Authority Downfall, don’t be a stooge and miss out so get in early and check out there single “Vendetta”
Official Event Page
Friday, November 11 2016
The Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Sydney
Doors open 7.00pm
$22.00 pre-sale moshtix
$29.99 at the door