Many Things – “What We Are” EP

Recorded equally in the creative hotbeds of Berlin and London, Many Things (formerly known simply as MT) have delivered a polished debut EP.
The ubiquitous keyboard sounds of Gabi Woo prove to be a standout feature throughout and pave the way nicely for frontman Michael Tomlinson’s achingly honest lyrics.
These lyrics are at their most evident in the resentful ‘Chains‘ where over a thudding rhythm section and a meandering organ we are told candidly “I’m still angry at you for changing the fucking rules”
‘Dear One‘ represents a shift in atmosphere as fuzzy synth and sparkling piano accompany at times gospel vocals to create a picture of happier times. Here is a band that can make you think and dance at the same time.
This unique achievement is most notable in the disco groove of ‘Gone‘, a track which appears to be emphatically celebrating a break up. At around seven minutes in duration, the party does unfortunately begin to peter out somewhere before the end.
It is the sparser moments such as ‘Incredible‘ that tend to protrude above the rest. Pivoting around an enchanting organ the listener can be further rewarded by donning headphones to take full advantage of some subtle yet beneficial panning.
EP closer and title track is also a clearcut highlight and worthy way to round off the journey. A stripped back piano opens up to an epic climax with Tomlinson’s forthright words again leaping to the forefront as he sings “I’m just so scared of getting my heart broken again“.
From a lyrical point of view, What We Are is a therapeutic journey. Thematically it is clearly dealing with the termination of a relationship and this ongoing catharsis occurs regardless of whether the accompanying music is downcast or buoyant, which makes for an entertaining listen.
- The Beards @ The Metro, 2nd July ’16 - July 8, 2016
- Parkway Drive @ Wollongong Uni, 25th June ’16 - July 1, 2016
- Basement @ The Factory, 27th May ’16 - June 3, 2016