Fractures – “Fractures” EP

Fractures is the self titled debut EP from Melbourne multi instrumentalist Mark Zito.
It is a melancholy collection of 8 ambient tracks driven by the reoccuring themes of heartbreak and loss.
Opening track ‘Embers‘ draws us in with an alluring synth, slowing building with Zito’s wounded vocals and sparse beats to a dramatic crescendo. It lays the template for the next half an hour or so of catharsis, highlighted most acutely with the bitter defiance of single ‘Won’t Win‘.
Here the intensity rises with the determined vow to “rid myself of this war you started”.
‘It’s Alright‘ strips back somewhat with minimalistic piano and an impressive display of higher range vocals somewhat reminiscent of Bon Iver. The pain continues with ‘Twisted‘ as we are candidly asked “am I supposed to feel something?” At the back end of the EP ‘Mortal‘ provides an epic chorus whilst final song, the aptly titled ‘Ghost‘ features a tense soundscape and is an appropriate finish to proceedings.
Fractures comes across as one particularly dark journey moreso than a group of individual moments. It is an intricately layered piece of work who’s subtleties can best be enhanced by donning headphones and sitting in the dark. Possibly it may have benefited from a little variety both lyrically and musically but it is clear that it was a recording Zito had to make, a burden he had to release. Fractures stands tall as a very solid first effort, although perhaps not recommended listening for those with a recently broken heart.
- The Beards @ The Metro, 2nd July ’16 - July 8, 2016
- Parkway Drive @ Wollongong Uni, 25th June ’16 - July 1, 2016
- Basement @ The Factory, 27th May ’16 - June 3, 2016