Chelsea Wilson – “I Hope You’ll Be Very Unhappy Without Me”

Chelsea Wilson’s debut album is an energetic amalgamation of styles, incorporating healthy doses of funk, reggae and blues.
The Melbourne vocalist has enlisted some of the city’s quality musicians (including members of Goyte and The Bamboos) to flesh out this soulful eclectic release.
With it’s snappy drums and Pink Panther-like bassline up tempo opening track ‘Through With Lovin’ You‘ is an oddly triumphant sounding break up song that immediately grabs the listener’s attention.
The sultry blues ‘I Let A Good Man Down‘ and 70’s lounge of ‘One Day At A Time‘ follow, showcasing a impressive range of styles in just the first three tracks.
The laidback funk of the title track comes across uncannily like an 80’s sitcom theme with it’s cheeky lyrics punctuated by the clever implementation of horns.
As we flow into the back end of the record the funk gains impetus with wah wah guitar and walking bass on ‘Closer‘ down to the chunky organ chops of ‘Don’t Stop For Nothing‘. The album is rounded out with a
slightly unecessary reggae version of the opening song, which perhaps may have benefitted from being slotted on as a B side somewhere, as opposed to concluding the album.
That minor blemish aside, Chelsea Wilson‘s stylish debut release is for the most part a bouncy party record counterbalanced nicely with enough downbeat moments to make for an interesting little journey.
Purchase lead single “Through With Lovin’ You” on iTunes here.
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