Tumbleweed New Single + Tribute Shows

“When I first listened to the MC5’s Kick out the Jams there was an introduction by John Sinclair that rattled me to my bones, it was a testimonial, “It takes 5 seconds to realise your purpose on the planet , the time has come for each and every one of you to decide whether you are gonna be a part of the problem or whether you are gonna be a part of the solution. The words rang in my ears, never had I heard it put so simply.”
“After the recent passing of our brother, friend and Bass player Jay, we want to use our time on the planet positively, we want to contribute, we want to do what we can to raise awareness about important issues and to highlight and support people who are dedicated to making the world a better place. Life is too short and too precious to waste any more time.”
“Our next release “Drop in the Ocean” is about the power of one, how collectively we are a part of something bigger and better and it is a fitting tribute to Jay.”
“The music video is about raising awareness of Sea Shepherd Australia. Sea Shepherd do amazing work, they are in the front line of protecting our oceans from Whaling, Shark Culling and illegal and environmentally damaging activities around the world. Sea Shepherd Australia is a non-profit conservation organisation whose mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.”
In 2009 the original line up was asked to reform for a one off reunion and found that their sound was as relevant as ever. Tumbleweed was reborn with a new sense of being, reinvigorated with unfinished business they decided to stay together and write and record a new album. In 2013 Tumbleweed recorded their 5th Album “Sounds from the Other Side” It was the album they always wanted to make and their greatest achievement so far.
Tumbleweed will play a handful of shows this November, in tribute to Jay
Thursday 13th November 2014
Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne – VIC
Tix: http://gasometer.oztix.com.au/?eventId=46875
Friday 14th November 2014
Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne – VIC
Tix: http://gasometer.oztix.com.au/?eventId=46876
Saturday, 15th November 2014
River Rocks Festival, Geelong – VIC
Tix: http://tickets.oztix.com.au/default.aspx?Event=45835