Dead City Ruins New Album “Never Say Die”

Melbourne’s premiere hard rockers, Dead City Ruins will release their new album, Never Say Die, in Australia via Dinner For Wolves on Friday, April 13.
“…they’re just these young, broke kids who don’t give a fuck except to play music in front of people. I love it and it’s inspiring on a daily basis.
That’s the spirit of rock and roll” Dave “The Snake” Sabo, SKID ROW
‘When our manager asked us who we wanted representing us in Australia only one name come to mind, DINNER FOR WOLVES. These lads have had our backs from the get go.
From beers to advice (sometimes about beers), they have ridden this roller coaster with us. Couldn’t be more stoked!’ Jake (vox)
For eight years now the band has been going strong without letting anything distract them from their mission. Dead City Ruins plow ahead with everything they’ve got, and you can hear this in every note on Never Say Die.
Recorded with English producer James Lewis (Arctic Monkeys, Sunset Sons) Never Say Die will knock you on your ass, just as all good rock’n’roll should, but there’s more to it than that. The music goes deep – as all really good rock’n’roll should. After all, Led Zeppelin are more than Whole Lotta Love, Sabbath are more than Iron Man, and Soundgarden go beyond Outshined. Dead City Ruins play with the same intensity that made the iconic albums of the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties so special. In short, it has soul.
With their rock n roll battle scars worn like badges of honour, the band have played every hole in the wall pub and club you can think of both here and on multiple extended tours of Europe and the States with the likes of Mastodon, Skid Row, Ugly Kid Joe, Fozzy, Orange Goblin and Wolfmother. Playing every show like they were headlining an arena.
Of course the songs on Never Say Die can’t help but reflect the life they now lead. A life on the road. Songs about touring, break ups, fans, laughs, tears and beers..
Fuelled by life, raised by riffs and out to give everyone a good time, Dead City Ruins have delivered an album of working class hard rock that will leave your ears ringing and a grin fixed on your face for days.