Things Of Stone And Wood

Things Of Stone And Wood make a grand return to the touring scene to celebrate and commemorate the band’s twenty-fifth anniversary looking back at their gold album The Yearning and the single that opened many doors Happy Birthday Helen. Greg Arnold talks to Across The Ocean about the tour and their never-say-never mantra about the future of this much loved folk-rock band.
It must be a great feeling that the original touring line up is back out on the road again yeah?
It’s a fantastic feeling, it is incredible to have the original band back together too as there was so much chemistry within the band. I noticed that the second we played together again at the Port Fairy Folk Festival it was just kaboom! It was really exciting.
Was it always the intention if the opportunity or the right opportunity presented itself that the band would reform?
I think the same thing that goes for all bands at some point is getting everyone in the same state, it’s always a tricky undertaking for it to be the right time for people to be available. All the planets aligned and we’re out and about.
Are things very much different being older and wise with families, kids, jobs and other interests now?
It is very different now then when we used to hop in a van and travel around the country and the world when we were doing the band as our full time thing. It is harder to line everything up nowadays but all the more rewarding when we can.
What was the vibe like within the band at the show you played at the Port Fairy Folk Festival?
It was very emotion actually and it is amazing that having not played together for a while how quick you can slot back in to it and that same groove we did a thousand times back in the nineties. It was fantastic and hearing the combination of that band hitting that chorus sounds big.
Is touring something that you’ve missed?
We’ve talked about it and we have had a few different versions of the band even making an album in the early 2000s. There was a point where we didn’t play much and there tends to be big events that signify times and someone will make the call that why don’t we do something. The calls go around and sometimes there is a wonderful coincidence that everyone can do it.
Given the vibe is so good are you avoiding looking too far ahead?
One thing I’m noticing is that we’re always a never say never band so all things could be possible. At this particular point we’re really looking back at that golden age of the band of 1992 to 1996. Looking back at that stuff when it was the four of us together we’re revisiting that material and soaking it up really. At this stage there is no aspiration to do new stuff within the band but you know, never say never!
Twenty five years is a significant milestone, are you finding that you’re getting quite nostalgic?
It’s fun, we‘ve got this Trivial Pursuit thing we do like “What was the name at that venue we played at in Calgary?” Then we get a laugh out of seeing who remembers it. Then you slump back in to that dynamic that was the band. It was a great thing to be a part of and for me it brings back all the warmth of that era.
With the advancements in social media are you taken aback with the interest in the band through things like Facebook?
It is interesting as I still play solo here and there and I notice that there is a really nice feeling towards the band even in the later stages of the band you could still feel that. I think you get that moment where the timing feels right and that’s how I feel at the moment. The time is right to say howdy again.
Things Of Stone And Wood
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