Steve Smyth
Steve Smyth is an artist to keep an eye out as he undertakes a massive forty five date Australian tour to support his new album Exits. Each show promises to be something special and unique particular the shows in some of Australia’s smaller towns. Steve talks to Across The Ocean about the album and tour.
It must be exciting times with the album release and a massive tour which is about to start?
I’ve just finished up rehearsals and can’t get wait to start touring these songs.
Is a good feeling that you can let go of these songs and start focusing on the tour?
Completely, live is the most important part of the whole process. There’s that saying which is a bit crude but ‘making a record is making love and playing live is just like fucking’. Have you heard of that one? [Um, no!] It’s definitely open for interpretation and every show is different, feeding off a lot of different energies wherever you go. It is a really important time for me to take it out on the road and start letting these songs have a life of their own.
Did you find that you learnt a lot about yourself in the writing and recording process of making Exits?
Every time you step in to the studio you learn something completely new and whatever you thought you knew about recording and the process it has this incredible way of fucking you over, stripping you bare but it is a very good thing. It was incredible to work with these boys in LA and it was an amazing process.
What were your main influences that inspired you on this album?
There were a few Doors Of Perception and Catch-22 but musically being able to play with other musicians in the US and UK. It has just been a natural progression of playing on the road so much with the last album. The experiences you have on the road and just trying to think back over the last couple of years.
Do you think you would record the next album overseas?
Um, that’s an interesting question. I’m not sure where that is but it is more about the people and who is going to be there for the job. Wherever it is it will be a good time! I don’t know, maybe! I haven’t looked that far to be honest but before this record we chose to work with producers out in Broken Hill, you never know where this next one will be.
If someone was deciding to buy your CD and was looking at the yellow summary tag on the rack in JB Hi-Fi what do you think it would say?
God that’s a hard one! Um, aw mate pass! I really don’t know how to answer that one but I’d say come to a live show first then I’m pretty sure you’ll want to buy the record.
How was your recent tour to Spain and was it all things you hoped it would be?
It’s been pretty phenomenal for me to be able to get to Spain and whenever I get to step into Europe I’m surprised that there is support especially when there is no English but they are relating and there is a communication and a connection in the shows to the songs. That’s how it has been every time and not necessarily language that connects us in the room. That always blows me out and one of the most beautiful things about music really.
Are you finding that this fan base is increasing making a return visit more viable?
I think I’ll be welcomed back! We’re giving the album to Australia first and I’ll be spending a lot more of mine in Europe next year, Fingers crossed but I have been living and working over there for quite some time and it has been a really rewarding time. Hopefully that continues.
A forty five date tour seems a massive undertaking for anyone but does it feel like a bit of a holiday taking in some pretty awesome spots around the country?
It is such a privilege to see the country and not just the major cities but playing in the heart of Australia, where it really matters. I’m really excited about the smaller shows in smaller towns because I can remember living there myself and if someone was coming to town it was important. To have the opportunity to repay that energy I could remember it will be amazing. I’m looking forward to getting around in a swag and sleeping under the stars, the weather is only going to get warmer it will be a beautiful time. I’m excited about getting back to Adelaide as I have been trying for quite some time. Regional SA is very much on my agenda and I think forty five dates is a good start so I hope we can add to it.
Are you taking a band on tour?
I’m taking a band, some good friends of mine who I have been playing with for a little while now. It will be magic to take them on the whole tour and we’ll be bringing in different extremities to the show, making it as contrasting as well can.
Beyond the tour what is next for Steve Smyth?
Getting back on the road and touring again and hopefully a few summer festivals bob up. I can’t presume but there will be some next times around some summer festivals. Fingers crossed, I’ll keep on moving and I haven’t really stopped yet and I don’t plan to.
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