
Slumberhaze are doing some really cool things right now and all focus is on new film clip Nothing But You which is an absolute ripper. The band was heavily involved in the process even being kitted up as vampires. Keep an eye on Slumberhaze as they make their presence known over the course of 2015. Sash from the band talks to Across The Ocean about the latest goings on in the band.
Does it really feel exciting with the build up to RRR Part 3 and your debut album this year?
This upcoming part is particularly exciting and rewarding, knowing we stuck to our initial plan we set twenty four months ago. It will also be our strongest and most interesting instalment. The album will be mental, but that is end of year or early next year.
Have you been surprised by the audience reaction to your music?
Not really, this is what we write music for, to connect to people through our art. We do notice different levels of love throughout the set and songs.
How important has it been getting Triple J support?
It’s more important that you love and believe in your stuff before you hand it over to any radio, DJ or person. Having Triple J support can help you connect to a lot of people and that is great if you want to tour, work and gain momentum.
Did you tune in to hear it being played for the first time on the radio?
I didn’t hear the debut spin, but I was alerted via twitter, or email. I was having a dinner with friends and we definitely chinked glasses and had a little moment of stoke.
How did you feel?
The same way you feel after you finish a long run.
Is there a little pressure to ensure that you maintain the momentum and keep working hard on everything required as a band?
Yes, and that is just what we need. We are a prolific group, we’ve written over thirty songs for this trilogy only, plus many more for future albums and projects. But the kick in the back to get them recorded, mixed and put out there is higher in priority now.
Nothing But You is a great single – is there a story behind this single?
Alan Chen, creator of upcoming epic fantasy/fiction/horror series VETUS came at me and explained the show he was planning to create. He ran through the story of the main character, Rosa, a vampire hunter. He then went on to ask if I would at all be keen on attempting to write a song for the series. Ninety mins later Nothing But You was finished.
Did you have much involvement in the film clip?
That was all Alan and Ben, the dudes running VETUS, plus the other forty odd cast and crew. It was intense, I was one of the vampires and went through a four hour make up test and then another four hour make up, then three hour drive into the woods looking like a vampire, people were freaking out when I stopped at lights. I was afraid someone was going to try kill me. I’m not joking!
Were you stoked with how the film clip turned out?
Yeah totally, its epic and dark, the direction we have always wanted to go musically.
Is the album much of a departure from what we already know?
That story is yet to unfold.
Was the process of writing and recording as challenging as you thought?
Writing comes really easy to me. Recording is a difficult process and I have to really try and concentrate, I have little patience and the attention span of a six year old. Not dissing six year olds, they’re probably brighter than me anyhow.
Was there anything that you learned that you would do differently next time?
Be better prepared, but it won’t happen man.
How did the idea of doing a trilogy come about?
Wine, and wanting people to slowly digest our angle, our personality and our music. It really isn’t typical, trendy or hip. It’s just us, and we don’t ever want to be them. By knowing our environment, we decided to come in slowly before the storm hits.
Three EP’s, six music videos and twelve songs is a massive undertaking – would you do it again?
Absolutely! Nothing I love more than doing the above.
Are you looking to tour nationally at some point this year?
We would love to be on tour with a touring band and open for them, at least have more than one or two shows interstate. We will be touring a lot in the second half of the year.
What’s the plan for the later half of the year heading in to summer?
As above, touring relentlessly. Trying to play festivals and bigger stages, and then looking to put our product out overseas.
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