Tropical Fuck Storm Second Melbourne Show Added

Ahhhhh another week in the tropical shit storm of life; never fear your favourite superheroes Tropical Fuck Storm are here to save the day with some good news feels!

A second Melbourne show at the Forum has been announced for Feb 13th to accommodate all of those peeps who were shafted due to the capacity change two days before the last show. Those of you who thought you missed out and those of you who got it and want more now have a second chance to immerse yourself in the mind-altering know-how of TFS! Tix are on sale now.
Swings and roundabouts folks, swings and roundabouts.
There has been a fun game of Tetris behind the scenes to move the Adelaide, Freo and Perth shows to April – details are below; all tickets remain valid. All other dates remain as planned, pending the actual real-time apocalypse, in which case we will send another one of these! Yay!
Former Californian, now Melbournian multi-instrumentalist Michael Beach will bring his existential dread to open each show, brightening the darkest of souls.
Watch the clip for the latest single Bumma Sanger, here.
Tropical Fuck Storm Deep States Australian Tour 2022
With Special Guest Michael Beach
Sun 30 January Princess Theatre Brisbane QLD
Fri 11 February Torquay Hotel Torquay VIC
Sat 12 February Uni Bar Hobart TAS
Sun 13 February The Forum JUST ANNONNOUNCED Melbourne VIC
Fri 22 April The Charles NEW DATE North Perth WA
Sat 23 April Freo Social NEW DATE Fremantle WA
Sun 24 April The Gov NEW DATE Adelaide SA
Fri 11 February Torquay Hotel Torquay VIC
Sat 12 February Uni Bar Hobart TAS
Sun 13 February The Forum JUST ANNONNOUNCED Melbourne VIC
Fri 22 April The Charles NEW DATE North Perth WA
Sat 23 April Freo Social NEW DATE Fremantle WA
Sun 24 April The Gov NEW DATE Adelaide SA
Tix on sale now
Deep States out now via TFS Records / Joyful Noise